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Maria Quiteria FPSO – Brasil

End User: Petrobras

The Maria Quiteria is a floating, production, storage and offloading (“FPSO”) vessel destined for the Jubarte Field in the North Campos Basin, offshore Brazil. Yinson Production Pte Ltd has signed firm contracts with Petrobras  for the charter, operations and maintenance of FPSO Maria Quitéria in a deal worth USD5.2 billion.

FPSO Maria Quitéria is Yinson’s second project award with Petrobras and the third project award in Brazil. The unit will have the capacity to process 100,000 barrels of oil and 5M m3 of gas per day and is expected to start operation by the fourth quarter of 2024.

The project provides for the interconnection of 17 wells to the FPSO, nine of which are oil producers and eight water injectors.

The Jubarte field is part of the Parque das Baleias area along with, Baleia Anã, Cachalote, Caxaréu, Pirambú and Mangangá. The first field, Jubarte, was discovered in 2001 and the concession will run until 2056.


FPSO Engineering